Nutrient Communities for Sustainable Agriculture
Why Heidelberg and Patrick-Henry-Village?
The city of Heidelberg serves as a case study for RUN. After completing the small-scale preliminary studies under laboratory conditions, part of a city quarter in Heidelberg in the order of approximately 100 to 200 inhabitants is chosen. The planned large-scale pilot plant (demonstrator) will then be built in this quarter in a second two-year project phase.
The demonstrator is to be created under real-time conditions at a location where innovative settlement infrastructures and forms of operation and production meet in the vicinity of agricultural surroundings. The former US barracks site of the Patrick-Henry-Villages (PHV) with its nearby agricultural park is intended and predestined.
The local combination of housing and agricultural production offers the best framework for the project. The International Building Exhibition (IBA) Heidelberg supports the location. Given the spatial proximity of the living / supply function and food production in the area of the former barracks site, local urban residents and farmers will come into direct contact.
Possible partnerships are thus facilitated and consolidated. The pilot plant will also go through analyzes and the results will later be checked for feasibility in the existing urban infrastructure. Thus, the pilot plant serves a dual purpose: showcasing the nutrient cycle as a practical example and generating additional analytical data to further inform the project's direction.

(c) IBA Heidelberg
Why the metropolitan area
Rhine Neckar?
Sub-module II deals with the topic of nutrient cycles in a large-scale regional context. The processing of material flows, the localization of the processing of plants and the business implications are carried out for the Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region (MRN). There we encounter very different spatial configurations from agricultural farm and production structure to settlement types and actors. The observation aimed at with the metropolitan region as an examination area is to take up the area character of agriculture as a future task, give regional political orientation, and make the knowledge gained in the local context (Heidelberg / PHV) accessible for transmission.

Verband Region Rhein-Neckar
Geobasisdaten: (c) GeoBasis-DE BKG 2016 (Daten verändert)