Nutrient Communities for Sustainable Agriculture
The core module - synthesis & impulses for sustainable nutrient communities
In this overarching project module, under the leadership of the Institute for Technology Assessment and System Analysis of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT-ITAS), the results from the sub-modules are brought together and evaluated holistically.
In addition, the communication and distribution of results in science, politics, planning and the public are controlled in a targeted manner.
This module is divided into four work packages. The first work package (ILPÖ) takes a close look at the feasibility of nutrient communities and raises the question of how nutrient producers (households) and nutrient consumers (farmers) can be brought together within the framework of municipal development planning.
The KIT ITAS scientists are responsible for the sustainability assessment of the project. Together with the project partners of the sub-modules and the stakeholders, they develop sustainability criteria and indicators. With their help, the developed technology solutions and concepts can be evaluated.The aim is to ensure the sustainability of the nutrient communities and to support the decision-making process.
The Research Center for Global Food Security and Ecosystems at the University of Hohenheim (GFE) supports the exchange of results within science, improves the information and judgment base for decision-makers and sensitizes the population to nutrient cycles between town and country. It is important that, for example, urban residents see themselves not only as consumers, but also as producers of valuable secondary nutrients.
By combining all components and considering different regional conditions, RUN serves as a flagship project. Ultimately, the researchers can use RUN to check how the recycling and recycling concepts can also be transferred to other larger regions, such as the targeted Rhine-Neckar region.